Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I keep writing, and then deleting. I want to capture my feelings on the tragedy of what happened in Virginia the other day, but I just can't seem to articulate what it is I want to say. I write something, then I'm backspacing it all. I just don't know what to say. It's horrific, isn't it?

It's almost as though Monday never happened for me. I didn't even hear about what happened until Tuesday morning. One of my co-workers was looking online at CNN, and there was mention of some shootings and I was completely oblivious. Monday happened and I didn't know a thing about it. I'm a day late in my knowledge of all of this.

Which made me really think. And it makes me sad. And holy hell, it really opens up your eyes to the world around you. The world doesn't stop because you aren't paying attention. Things happen, tragedy and awful, really serious, sad, bad things happen. All around us, every day. Horrific things happen. And while the horrible events of Monday were happening, I was probably internally complaining about a headache on the plane, or my contacts bothering me. Missing my dad already. Wishing the airplane food didn't suck so much. Just wanting my own bed and for the five hour flight to be over. How insignificant and trivial all that is, in the wake of much more tragic, significant things like what has occurred.

It's just awful what has happened. And I don't have the words within my grasp to really capture it all. It's horrible and I can only imagine the pain that these students, the faculty, these families, and their friends are all facing right now. It sure puts minor difficulties in our own lives into perspective when something so tragic happens. Really makes you think about how fragile life is. How in a matter of minutes, circumstances in one's life can totally change.
And things are never, ever the same.

With the coverage every morning since, on the Today show, interviews with students, footage of vigils, photographs of the aftermath, I am keeping these people, those that were directly affected and those that were not... everyone, this country, in my thoughts and prayers during this tragic time.


Aaron said...

Who knows what to say? I didn't know what to say, so I said a prayer. I suppose it doesn't get any better than that.

I believe the world is a very inhospitible place, yet full of hope. I believe a person conveniently ignores the evil they know to exist because they'll be compelled to act and don't want to be inconvenienced.

brandy said...

It's a hard topic to comment on, some events I think defy saying something that really hits the nail on the head of what everyone is feeling, but you did a good job. I relate to the 'write, delete, write' act...

Airam said...

It's very surreal. It seems like it never ends ... we just got word today via email that one of the people murdered was a 19 year old niece of a teacher who works in my school board. Such a tragedy ... no point to it whatsoever. I just wish something could be done to prevent this from happening again.

sophiia said...

i have to stop watching the news because i start crying at the stories. and i have no idea what to say to those who suffered a loss. i agree with you though, it is hard to express those feelings in words. but you did a good job.

Jennifer said...

I haven't posted anything about the VA Tech incident. I have no idea what to say. You said it well, though.

Carrie said...

I love this line - "The world doesn't stop because you aren't paying attention". I didn't find out until the end of the day Monday, via MSN actually... and then I turned on the TV and couldn't look away. It reminded me of going home from school early after Sept 11th.. everything was as it was in the morning, the day before... but it wasn't.

Things like this DOES make you realize how short life is... although I wish that it didn't take tragedies like this to make us see what we have.

JM said...

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around all that has happened. It's hard to understand and even harder to make speculations based on evidence they are now finding.

My thoughts and prayers are being sent to everyone affected by this.

ReadItDaddy said...

I think you said it perfectly Meg, I don't think anyone could have done a better job. I've had 2 days of hurt and pain from this event and I'm way way distanced from the event, right across an ocean. As I've said in my blog today it's taken me right across the emotional spectrum and back. Lacking the backup of a faith or religion to try and make some sense of it, all I can do is feel deep sorrow and sympathy for those left to pick up the pieces.


Anonymous said...

I have been pretty speechless the last week when trying to find words about the VT tragedy. I was JUST about to write a post about it all, but I got speechless again.